Depression: Through the Pain

You CAN make it through the pain.

No, Uh, YOU Go Ahead

To all my fellow Americans, I wish for you a wonderful, THANKFUL day, Regardless of our current situation, we have been greatly blessed. Spend some time today writing as many entries as you can in your gratitude journal. If you’re alone, you might also enjoy looking through some entries on Cute Overload. They always bring a smile! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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Art Therapy as a Healing Tool

Art Therapy as a Healing Tool

Art therapy is a powerful healing tool for a variety of issues: PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc.

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“My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon.”

— Mizuta Masahide

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“Best Day of My Life”

Hello, friends!
I just had to share this video with you. Enjoy!
Keep using your tools. You WILL get better.
Blessings, Elizabeth

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Focusing on the Blessings

Hello, friend!

How are you?  I hope you have been using your tools and are getting stronger every day. 

I tucked my 6-year-old granddaughter into bed a few nights ago and listened to her prayer.  Her heart was so full that she spent several minutes thanking God for as many things as she could think of.  That’s what WE need to do every single day of our lives.  Read this quote from Melody Beattie:

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

Instead of a cup half full, you begin to see one which is overflowing.  I’ve said it many times: DO NOT NEGLECT WRITING IN YOUR GRATITUDE JOURNAL EVERY NIGHT BEFORE TURNING OUT THE LIGHT.  Your dreams will be sweeter, and you will wake refreshed and better able to tackle what lies ahead of you that day.

Right now, take a moment to think about all the ways you are blessed: a God Who cares greatly for you, life, your senses, a huge sky above you, air to breathe, a meal to eat……it can go on and on.  SEE THE BEAUTY AND THE BLESSING.  Yes, there is evil and smut and hatred in this world, but don’t choose to focus on it.  Indeed, IT IS A CHOICE.  Even in the midst of a dirty street in a bad neighborhood, a beautiful weed still manages to push its way through a crack. Change what’s wrong when you can, but keep your eye on the beauty of the goal rather than wallow in the misery of problem.  Life—even life with pain—is a blessing.

Until next time.

Blessings, Elizabeth

*** If you are new to this blog, it is best to start by reading “About” and the first entry that was posted on May 13, 2013.  Then read each consecutive entry, one per day.  Welcome!

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I wanted to share with you a song that I heard this weekend: “Overcomer” sung by Mandisa. It’s another great fight song for any of you who are Christians. I hope you enjoy it.
I have company for an extended visit, so I’ll be back with a post when they leave. Until then, keep using your tools. YOU WILL MAKE IT THROUGH!!!
Blessings, Elizabeth
*** If you are new to this blog, it is best to start by reading “About” and the first entry that was posted on May 13, 2013. Then read each consecutive entry, one per day. Welcome!

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Facing Fear

Hello, my friend!

Do you ever feel fearful?  Why is it that fear often accompanies depression?  Fear of the future, fear of trying something new.  Fear of going outdoors or fear of being in a group of people.  You know it’s just an emotion, right?  It’s just an emotion, like sadness or happiness.  We imagine it as a big scary monster that must be avoided.   When confronted by fear, we feel we must submit to its whim. 


Why must you submit to its whim?

Throw open the door to face fear, and what are you actually going to see?  Nothing bigger than an ant.  It’s a nothing.  The more you face fear, the smaller it gets.  Watch it turn tail and run as you stand up to it.

Go ahead.  Think of something that frightens you, and make a point of facing it down this week.   Fear won’t have as much power over you next time.  Pretty soon you’ll feel you’ve got the world by the tail and can honestly say that very little in this life scares you.

Until next time.

Blessings, Elizabeth

*** If you are new to this blog, it is best to start by reading “About” and the first entry that was posted on May 13, 2013.  Then read each consecutive entry, one per day.  Welcome!

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Physical Pain

Good morning!

How have you been this past week?  Have you been implementing your tools to conquer this depression?   I pray for your healing through God’s grace and strength, and that He’ll grant you endurance for the battle.  You will get well, my friend, in time.

Have you learned any new tools that you’d be willing to share?   I’d love to hear what you have come up with. 

People often think of depression and anxiety as a purely mental and emotional problem, but it’s not that simple, is it?  It affects every fiber of your being, physical as well as mental.   In fact, prior to being diagnosed with depression, I was positive that something serious was wrong with me.  I was in pain and went to several doctors, hoping someone could make the correct diagnosis.  I was checked from top to bottom.  When I was finally diagnosed with major depression and panic attacks, I was relieved, thinking that I’d go to a couple months of counseling and be well.  Not so simple, is it!?!?  Even after the correct diagnosis, it took a few months before I was completely convinced that I wasn’t suffering from a physical malady.  I was still in pain.

Sometimes the only thing that eased the pain was to stand in the shower with the water pouring over me.  Perhaps it was more of a distraction than anything else, but it helped a little, especially when I was coming off of the anti-anxiety medications. 

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.  AND BE PATIENT WITH YOURSELF.  Slowly but surely, you’ll address the issues that got you to this point, and THEN you can move beyond.  What a beautiful day that will be!!!! 

Keep using your tools, and you will get well.


Until next time.

Blessings, Elizabeth


Trust the Process

Good morning!

How have you been this past week?  Were you able to work with the clay as I suggested on July 16th?  I’d love to hear what you created and if it was revealing about your current situation in life.  If you share with me, be sure to let me know if you do NOT want it posted.  I’ll honor that request.  When I did this project 20+ years ago, what emerged was a bird’s nest with a baby bird, head back and mouth wide open.  It made sense.  I was feeling helpless and weak, wanting so badly to be cared for.  Yet I learned to care for myself, with God as my Provider.  I’m so thankful that I didn’t rely on another person to fill a much deeper need!  Otherwise, the helplessness would have remained.  God fills my need abundantly, and He’s the only one I ultimately lean on.  If you haven’t done this project yet, remember: don’t plan what you want the clay to become.   Follow the brief instructions on July 16th to get you going.

Try to spend at least a little time outside this weekend.  It’s good for your soul.  Breathe deeply, and know that you are healing, slowly but surely.  Review your tools, and see if there are any that you might need to focus on.  Would counseling be helpful?  Are you seeing a physician for medication?  Remember, if you are not able to function in life or are thinking of harming yourself or someone else, YOU NEED TO SEE A PHYSICIAN.  He or she can help you.  There is no glory in “toughing it out” without using all available resources.  As you make use of these tools and resources, YOU WILL GET BETTER.

A farmer turns the soil, plants the seeds, waters, weeds, and watches over them.  Likewise, you need to patiently do the work that is required.  And just as the farmer trusts that the seeds will produce a harvest, you too can trust in your harvest of health.  TRUST THE PROCESS, and you will get well.

I’ll be back next week.

Blessings, Elizabeth

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Ban Worry


How has your week been going?  Will you be doing your art project with clay this weekend?

Take the time you need to focus on recovery.  I daresay you have learned that life is too precious and short to want to lose a moment of it to depression or anxiety.  Add to that worry.  Don’t waste your time worrying about the past or what could happen in the future.  It doesn’t do any good.  I’ll say it again: WORRYING IS A WASTE OF TIME AND DOESN’T DO ANY GOOD.   If you are worried about something, give it to God and let it go.  If appropriate, also make concrete plans to address the issue.  But don’t squander away your life.  WORRY IS A WASTE OF YOUR TIME.  

Don’t tell me, “That’s just the way I am.”  I don’t want to hear it.  You know that you can change that habit if you put your mind to it.  Do I think you’ll master it perfectly?  Probably not.  Who can?  But you can dramatically decrease the amount of time that you worry.  Won’t it be great when worry is the exception rather than the rule in your life?  (You’ll notice that you have less patience with excuses after conquering depression.  You know what can be done when you make a concerted effort.)

Here’s another quote for your collection:

22 And He [Jesus] said to His disciples, “For this reason I say to you, do not worry about your life, as to what you will eat; nor for your body, as to what you will put on.  23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.  24 Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!  25 And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span?  26 If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters?  27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.  28 But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you?  You men of little faith!  29 And do not seek what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not keep worrying.  30 For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows that you need these things.  31 But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.  32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.       —Luke 12: 22-32

Give up the worry!

I’ll be back next week.

Blessings, Elizabeth

*** If you are new to this blog, it is best to start by reading “About” and the first entry that was posted on May 13, 2013.  Then read each consecutive entry, one per day.  Welcome!

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